- ur uptight classmate from school who regarded u nothing less than a gypsy turned into one herself?
- people standing for ice cream in the queue in front of u always seem to order yummier flavors than what you have in mind?
- animals always stare at your face for reactions?
- u try out a shirt and suddenly feel good on an otherwise moppy day?
- when ur friends get married u have a tough time keeping those tears of happiness at bay?
- u suddenly remember what happened between 2 characters of a book and just cant remember anything else about it?
- mondays are usually lengthier than any other day in the week and sunday the shortest?
- those popular girls in college with reputations of being really bitchy turned out to be quite ok?
- u urself end up being bitchy and u love it!!?
- the best looking girl/guy in the room is always taken?
- u have been having a terrible week/month and you suddenly have a happy moment/hope only to plunge back into darkness?
- bad hairstyles look better as hair grows?
- sometimes u just dont care what pepl say about u and sometimes u desperately want to be understood?
- recipe always changes taste each time its tried?
- ur nemesis of a sister in school days incarnates into ur best friend in adult life?
- u laugh out thinking of some old joke and when u repeat the same to ur surprised friends, it doesnt sound funny at all
- u know u cant be happy knowing only the good side of a person and u keep looking out for some fault?