yeah i know..people say its just a phase but for some, it just doesnt phase out..and that countrymen, is the pure joy of being single. u name it, i have it!
The late night movies on weekdays, on the spur dinner with friends who suddenly turn up out of nowhere, midnight moon by the sea with ur gang of friends, girls night out, sudden shopping sprees, unplanned trips home when one fine morning u suddenly miss waking up to ur mum yelling at u to get up.. yup u got the drift.. i love the unpredictability of it.
Nothing to say of the freedom of choice. u can choose either to go to the drycleaners or take another nap which lasts till midnight. Get into the supermarket for ur weekly quota of veggies or make 'couch potato' ur middle name.
and best of all is that u r always available when ur friends plan a trip or dinner or just are looking for a shoulder to cry on!!
ok lets face it. There are downsides to this land of Las Vegas. Numero uno? Relatives!!! The cling-clang band of over made up Homo sapiens who make it excruciatingly painful for u to enjoy that heavenly gulab jamun served at a marriage reception by updating ur marital status to everybody around.
Does this sound very Briget Jones ish? Naturally. Both of us live in the same planet!
Oh and there is this whole species of stern-faced waiters at fancy restaurants. They know exactly how much u r gonna peck out of their glistening plates and if u r alone and planning on having a sumptuous meal (read soup), they tell u that the place is full, sidestepping ur reflection on their glass walls.
Nothing to say about the corner seat they bestow on u if u book a single seat at the movies as nobody else wants them and the guy at the counter think u will be too desperate anyway to complain about it!! And let me tell u if both the above scenarios happen on the same day, it can get a bit disturbing. i suggest a big dollop of honey and fig from Baskin-Robbins to pep u back to life.
Im not dead against marriage and companionship but being single and independent is quite heady and im darn sure all those people who have sipped once from the chalice of this mighty status will be nodding their heads in consent now.
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